Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Today am talking trend
I dirrectly extracted the meaning of the word directly from the urban dictionary
A trend is the latest style of popular culture including but not limited to: clothing, music, vernacular (common speech), and the latest tv shows. This form of culture is usually expressed by preps and other kids trying desperately to be accepted by peers despite obvious outcastment.
To me trend is what you eat, its what you wear to school events and outings. Trend is how you speak. Its what shoe you wear. What phone you use. Its what TV shows you watch. Its the kind of car your father drives. Its what you had for supper yesterday.
But for once lets agree, trend is what is and what is not. It defines the kind of friends you keep( either makes you cool or lame) and most of the times determined by how heavy your pocket is. Trend is costly.
You are either trendy or not. People, issues, occurences, celebrities, cars, sports, all of these at one time trend on twitter
But, whether you follow trend or not it doesnt change who you are. We pretty much all look the same while naked (no offence).

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